C S has Study Success

In January 2024, the Trustees were delighted to hear from C. S, about her recent graduation. Here is what she said:

“Good day Sir, how are you and the family? It's been a while I heard from you .

I want to thank you for what you did for me last year.

You helped me pay my fees. I can't forget that in a hurry.

With joy in my heart, I'm glad to tell you that I just bagged a Bachelor degree in History and International studies

My regards to your wife, A. and her siblings.

Best wishes,

C.... S....”

Our grateful thanks to all our regular donors whose support makes scholarships like this possible.

At the Stepping Stones Model School, over 32% of students are supported by a full scholarship; there are over 200 pupils in attendance, the vast majority of whom receive at least partial scholarships.  To know more about the history of the school, click HERE.


'Delia's' Story


Edak’s Story