'Delia's' Story

This is a story about Delia (name has been changed), who is a survivor of Sexual abuse/Rape.

Delia’s ordeal started after she lost her parents and moved to stay with her Aunt who had two sons. One of the sons who was 25 years old started raping Delia at the age of 13. She cried to her Aunt for help but was physically abused by her aunt and the son. 

Fortunately for Delia a neighbour called our rescue partners at BRCI and they reported the matter to the police. The police arrested the perpetrator and Delia was brought to our shelter on December 1, 2022.

When she came she was very traumatized.  She has undergone several counselling sessions and is now a bubbly child.  She started school last year (2023) and she is doing well. She wants to be an actress in the future.

Her case was charged to court and the suspect was sentenced to life imprisonment with a fine of 1 million Naira to the survivor on February 8, 2024.

Delia's story is indeed a testament to the saying that “the wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine’’.

Our grateful thanks to all our regular donors whose support makes rescues like this possible. 

At the Emergency Shelter, there have been 26 new cases of child abuse since the year began  To know more about our work and how we support the shelter, and how you can also help, click HERE.


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