What We Do
Supporting Vulnerable Children
Our work helps to save, protect and transform the lives of children who have suffered some of the most terrible forms of abuse imaginable – child witchcraft accusations, rape, trafficking and torture.
Our partners provide frontline medical, legal and emotional support to children in need. Here they can also access a safe and secure place to stay through our emergency shelter.Children who are not able to be reunited with their families are placed with foster carers who we train and fund to care for them. Throughout the whole process the children’s, often complex, emotional and psychological needs are always prioritised.
There is a crisis in education in Africa.
Lack of access to education increases child protection risks such as abuse and neglect, economic and sexual exploitation, witchcraft accusations, homelessness, sexual and gender-based violence, trafficking, and child marriage.Our work focuses on improving access to high quality education for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in the volatile Niger Delta region. We transform the lives of the children that we work with by building and equipping schools; training teachers to deliver high quality literacy tuition and providing learning resources for all pupils. Our scholarship programme also helps ensure that those in greatest need access their right to a decent education.
The belief in the power of advocacy to help keep vulnerable children safe and protected is at the core of Safe Child Africa's mission.
Indeed it is this belief that has driven some of our most startling successes.
Through the Prevent Abuse of Children Today (PACT) Campaign we have:- helped groundbreaking laws to be enacted
- inspired historic UN resolutions
- raised widespread awareness of child witchcraft accusations
- trained lawyers, judges and activists in child rights law.